Touring New Zealand South Island

Welcome and thank you for visiting our website. We are Pam and Gary Baker, California-based food, wine and travel writers.  We’ve written for regional, national, and international publications including BBC Travel, Winetraveler, BestWineries, Rovology, LuxeBeat, Porthole Cruise, WanderwithWonder, Upscale Living, Washington Tasting Room, Northwest Travel and Life, Food Wine Travel Magazine, Via Magazine, and Australia and New Zealand Magazine.  Pam is the former editor of Sacramento Lifestyle Magazine, a regional magazine about community events, people, and places. She also writes a wine column for Food Wine Travel Magazine that explores wine regions, wine tasting, and wine experiences.

We love to travel and have visited and written about destinations in Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Eastern Europe, South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Canada and throughout the United States. We also write about wine and food and have visited many of the world’s famous wine regions.  We’ve covered a wide-ranging array of travel and lifestyle stories in California, exploring Gold Rush history in Sutter Creek, wine tasting in Sonoma and the Delta, and navigating San Francisco’s Chinese New Year’s Parade. Links to some of our published articles and our photographs can be found above.

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